Thursday, January 20, 2011

Welcome Back

It has been a while... a few months. Here it goes, hello blogging world, again. I know that I have been ignoring you for quite sometime because of the whole second, first year teaching experience; however, there really is no excuse.

As my Creative Writing students asked where and when I create my writing, I was thinking that really doesn't happen that often minus the writing lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, and feedback on papers. I don't have time to write!! As my brain was thinking that, my mouth said, "I have this fabulous blog that I write. Friends and family members are able to access and hear personal thoughts, tid- bits, updates, and stories. Blogging on the internet, it is a great way to start "publishing" pieces." Wow, talk about stretching the truth by a million. I definitely have not been writing "personal thoughts, tid-bits, updates, and stories" on my blog that is "fabulous." It is a little less of that and more of an afterthought.

I don't like lying, and I especially don't like the fact I stretched the truth so much with my students. Maybe that is because I am wondering why I don't write anymore. It is quite unnerving and just plain crazy. As my Creative Writing class is coming to a close for the semester, I don't want to continue lying to my students to create a bad influence. I want to leave them with a positive reinforcement that work can be read by other people, even if it is just by a few. So blogging world, I am back. I am going to live up to my word with my Creative Writing students and start blogging again.

Hello, again. I am back.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer and Weddings

It has been quite a while since my last posting, so I figured I would try to make it up by writing two posts. The summer is coming to an end, but I had a fantastic summer. As most of you know I was in a wedding as a bridesmaid and the week after I went to a wedding in Spokane. So here it goes...

The first wedding I was down in Portland/ Vancouver for about a week. I went early to help calm the bride because everybody was coming in from out of town, and when I say everybody, I mean everybody. The only people that were in Portland/ Vancouver was Meggan's immediate family: mom, dad, and sister. So everybody, including the groom's family was flying in. Anyway, during the first couple days I helped her move into the new apartment, picked family up from the airport, ran errands for the wedding, helped organize a bbq, went hiking with her cousin, and so much more. It was quite the adventure within the first few days.

Once the bridal party starting arriving and the family even more chaos started, in a good way. The parents finally met one another and then the bridal party went bowling the first night everybody was in town. The next day was the tux fittings (all groomsman are from out of state), rehersal, rehersal dinner, bachelor party, and bachlelorette party part II. Finally Saturday was a fun, non-stress day because we went to the beach! It was a great way to unwind for all parties involved.

The next day was a perfect day for an outdoor wedding. It was a gorgeous, clear day that was in about the 90's, but once 6 o'clock hit, the temperature started going down a bit so we weren't sweating. It was a small wedding with about 125 (max) people. The ceremony itself was about 15 minutes, and it was a perfect way to celebrate Meggan and Brandon's love.

There is Meggan and I on the intertube. Luckily, no bottoms fell off and I was able to stay on as well!!

The rehersal. We were all extremely hot that day. I think we were all trying not to pass out at that moment.
That would be the entire bridal party. Yes, it was a large group of us. 7 groomsman and 7 bridesmaids. WOW!This is one of the bouquet of flowers, and the colors of the wedding. At first when Meggan told me about all of the colors in the wedding, I wasn't sure how it would look. In the end, it was gorgeous!

Bridesmaids are ready to go!

I didn't get many pictures of Meggan after she put on her wedding dress because it was pure chaos after that, but just believe me when I say she was breathtaking.

Brandon and I at the reception!!

The next weekend I went to a wedding in Spokane. I wasn't planning on going because, well, it was quite far, but I am glad I was able to make the wedding. At the wedding, I also knew the bride and groom from college. In college, I worked with Renae at the coffeeshop and I know Pat from all of the education classes we took together (basically we went through the program together). Needless to say I know both well. It was a wonderful day for a wedding.

The ceremony was nice. It was a full Lutheran service, with communion and all. The couple looked so happy and, of course, in love.

During the service, both Pat and Renae. You know it will be a long service with the bride and groom sit down in the pews.
After the service, right before jumping into the car!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Just a post :)

I will definitely write an entire blog dedicated to the weddings I have been attending-- with pictures! However, I am just writing a tiny little blurb about the book I am reading: Eat, Pray, Love.

I was skeptical about the book before I started reading it. As I have started the book, and by all means I am not too far, I am pleasantly surprised. It is an honest account of a woman after a divorce, and about her journey in three different cultures: Italy, Bali, and India. Anyway, it is definitely an enjoyable and entertaining read!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

City Blast 2010

Another race down in the books. July 4 the YMCA and the local Foursquare Church organized it's second annual City Blast.

In the morning City Blast is kicked off with the 10k run, and then eventually the 5k run is mixed in with the 10k. After the runs there is an award ceremony for the top in each category (I did not receive such award). Around 11 there is church service led by Foursquare. Throughout the rest of the day there is a 3 on 3 basketball tournament while various other kid activities. Then when the sun starts to set, there is a concert that eventually turns into a fireworks show.

It was a gorgeous run. As I woke up in the morning to check the weather it was cloudy; it looked as if it was going to rain. I decided to wear a long shirt because of that (bad idea). Just for the duration of the race it was clear and sunny.

The run started at the fairgrounds and made a 3.1 mile loop that took you through the fairgrounds. There was only one big hill which definitely hit me hard. Why? Well, I had been sick the last week of school that took me into the mission trip. Therefore, I honestly had not run more than 3 miles in about 3 weeks. So that hill was a killer since I had to run it twice. Although it wasn't my best race by far, it was still a wonderful way to start off the 4th of July.

On the left is Season, me, and Chris. Chris is actually a mom of one of my close friends that I have known since seventh grade. Megan is on the east coast in North Carolina, but now her mom and I run. That was pre-race.

Post-race. All of us again happy that we made it. It was Season's first 10k, and first time she had ever run 6.2 miles without taking a break-- very exciting!!

And by the way, the credit for the pictures go to Chris' boyfriend because mom and dad were late. As I was running the last 400 or so I slowed down to look for the parents; however, they were not present. Yes folks, the parents were late. They did arrive eventually, but no pictures. Chris is sending the pictures of me actually running, but those will not be posted.

Next up? I am headed to Portland/Vancouver on Tuesday for a week filled of wedding for Meggan!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Matthew 10:38

I am back! Back from chaperoning a mission trip of 10 teenagers (8 girls and 2 boys) to Heart Butte, Montana which is the Blackfeet Reservation. It was a week full of serving and growing in faith.

Once we arrived in Montana it was nice to know that everything was planned for us; all we had to do was show up! The church went through a program called Youth Works, so there is already a staff who designs and runs the program throughout the summer. Another addition was that not only was our Lutheran church attending, but two other churches from Minnesota were attending as well; one Non-denominational and a Catholic church. By far, we were the smallest group.

Anyway, the staff split up the churches, and even I was with a different chaperone. In my group the first day we helped this elderly man with his house. You have to realize that this house was holding not only him, but the rest of his family: two sons and grandkids. When we arrived we weren't too sure what to do because he didn't know what he wanted us to do. There were piles of wood, cars, refridgerators, tires, clothes, toys... if you can imagine an item, it was out in the yard. So we just started cleaning. We ended up with 18 full-size garbage bags out of the yard.

The second day we painted the living room and hallway for this couple. The most interesting part was actually talking to the couple about their beliefs, traditions, and having them ask questions about Christianity.

The last two days we were there we helped with a Vacation Bible School. Talk about chaos, but these children just wanted the attention and love. It was three hours to prep for Vacation Bible School and then three hours of it occuring. At the end of each day these kiddos needed to be walked home. The walk home was always interesting for me for two reasons (1) Being a chaperone I had to make sure the teenagers were attending to the little kids (2) I had to make sure the little kids were not doing things they weren't supposed to be doing. More times than not the little kids wanted piggy back rides, so it was easy to make sure the kids were running in the streets.

In between this serventhood was time to grow in your faith. They had designated times for kids to talk with their church groups, devotional times, and a service each day. It was great seeing the kids grow in more ways than one.

As for the title of this blog Matthew 10:38 was the theme of the trip for the church: and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Take it as you will.

The big skies of Montana. Believe me when I say that was not a fun leg of the trip. I was definitely gripping the steering wheel.

I had a small Nissan Altima car, so I had only three other people in my car. The three girls decided to call the car White Ninja (starting left on top: me, Jamie, Stephanie, and Rachel).

That is most of the group (from what I can tell) and a couple additions. The kids were able to sit on the ground a lot- lucky them.

That is part of Heart Butte on a sunny day. It took a couple days for it to get sunny!

Another part of the reservation.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mom had a request...

... and the request was a blog.

I have been trying to write a blog, but I didn't know what I should focus on or what to say. It has been so long since the last post I was wanting to covereverything since that point, but I realized that it wasn't going to happen. Each blog I was writing was horrible so in the end I just deleted the sucker.
In essence, this post is going to be covering updates and just pieces of information; not anything in-depth.
1. About a month ago I had an interview with Franklin Pierce High School, and I thought the interview was horrible. If I was on the other side of the table I would not have hired me. The next day I received a phone call from the vice-principal asking if they (I was unaware of whom 'they' were) could come observe me teach. My mind: WHAT?! EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! The vice-principal and principal came to observe my fifth period senior class. Didn't know how it went.
2. That night I was driving down to Vancouver/ Portland for Meggan's bachelorette party and bridal shower. On the way down because I had been so stressed with the week I started crying. The next morning the vice-principal called me to offer me a job. YAY!
3. First graduation! It was extra special for a couple reasons... of course I graduated from that high school, but I was able to sit with one of my best friend's little brother during graduation. I have known the family for about nine years. Being able to give Chase a hug right after he grabbed his diploma was pretty awesome. So if you look at the picture below I am on the left side, in the black. If you count from the top of the picture I am the fourth down, not in the long blonde hair, but in between the two with the blonde hair. Basically, good luck finding me!
4. Getting over, well, whatever 'this' is. I am pretty sure it is a virus. On the day of graduation practice I only had to teach second period (the beauty of teaching seniors, they are gone a week before the last day of school). So I left because my advisory was with another teacher that day. Once I arrived at the doctor my phone started vibrating, so I picked it up. One of my friends, also a teacher at ER, told me one of the VPs and my advisory was looking for me. So I head back to school, without seeing the doctor, and I walked into advisory. My wonderful advisory decided to throw me a surprise goodbye party! Ooops, apparently I didn't get the memo. These motivated students had been planning it for THREE WEEKS!!!
5. The day of graduation, June 12, I was supposed to run the Sound to Narrows (12 k) in the morning, however, I was way too sick. I was crushed because I was looking forward to the run!
6. Finishing up my first year of teaching! I cannot believe it is over. Through the blood, sweat, and tears there was more joy and laughter through this year. If I survived year one, I can surivive any year!
I didn't realize how much of an impact I had on students until the last couple days, especially graduation. There are truly no words to describe the look in their eyes as they were giving me a hug and a kind word.
One of my juniors gave me this letter on the last day of school:
Dear Miss. Curtiss,
This year has really changed me as a person for the better. You know that when we were doing the section in class about the concentration camps and about the war that it was really important to me and really affected my life. You are the only person that has a copy of that song I wrote. You are such an amazing teacher and I'm really grateful that Mrs. Blackburn or whatever her name is never came back because I would have missed out on the chance for you to be my teacher. Although our class is... different, having you as a teacher has really made english enjoyable. I hope you will remember me as your favorite student. The one who instead of making a pamphlet, rapped in front of the entire class. The one who cried every time there was anything about war. The one who over accessively uses semi-conols now that she knows what they are; like this. The really annoying girl who sits in the front who always tries to take your chair as a foot rest, but you don't let me. But I've really appreciative of everything and I know this isn't one whole paragraph because it's like 20 sentences, but you're an amazing English teacher so you can figure it out. I hope to see you again, and I am really going to miss you. Don't forget me!!!
What an impact. Definitely didn't realize this throughout the year.
7. Getting ready to leave for a mission trip. Actually I am chaperoning, but still having to get ready. Leaving Saturday for the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana.
So I think that is all of it, or at least most of it!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Accepted a Job

I was offered a job at Franklin Pierce... and I accepted it! I have a teaching job for next year!