Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mom had a request...

... and the request was a blog.

I have been trying to write a blog, but I didn't know what I should focus on or what to say. It has been so long since the last post I was wanting to covereverything since that point, but I realized that it wasn't going to happen. Each blog I was writing was horrible so in the end I just deleted the sucker.
In essence, this post is going to be covering updates and just pieces of information; not anything in-depth.
1. About a month ago I had an interview with Franklin Pierce High School, and I thought the interview was horrible. If I was on the other side of the table I would not have hired me. The next day I received a phone call from the vice-principal asking if they (I was unaware of whom 'they' were) could come observe me teach. My mind: WHAT?! EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! The vice-principal and principal came to observe my fifth period senior class. Didn't know how it went.
2. That night I was driving down to Vancouver/ Portland for Meggan's bachelorette party and bridal shower. On the way down because I had been so stressed with the week I started crying. The next morning the vice-principal called me to offer me a job. YAY!
3. First graduation! It was extra special for a couple reasons... of course I graduated from that high school, but I was able to sit with one of my best friend's little brother during graduation. I have known the family for about nine years. Being able to give Chase a hug right after he grabbed his diploma was pretty awesome. So if you look at the picture below I am on the left side, in the black. If you count from the top of the picture I am the fourth down, not in the long blonde hair, but in between the two with the blonde hair. Basically, good luck finding me!
4. Getting over, well, whatever 'this' is. I am pretty sure it is a virus. On the day of graduation practice I only had to teach second period (the beauty of teaching seniors, they are gone a week before the last day of school). So I left because my advisory was with another teacher that day. Once I arrived at the doctor my phone started vibrating, so I picked it up. One of my friends, also a teacher at ER, told me one of the VPs and my advisory was looking for me. So I head back to school, without seeing the doctor, and I walked into advisory. My wonderful advisory decided to throw me a surprise goodbye party! Ooops, apparently I didn't get the memo. These motivated students had been planning it for THREE WEEKS!!!
5. The day of graduation, June 12, I was supposed to run the Sound to Narrows (12 k) in the morning, however, I was way too sick. I was crushed because I was looking forward to the run!
6. Finishing up my first year of teaching! I cannot believe it is over. Through the blood, sweat, and tears there was more joy and laughter through this year. If I survived year one, I can surivive any year!
I didn't realize how much of an impact I had on students until the last couple days, especially graduation. There are truly no words to describe the look in their eyes as they were giving me a hug and a kind word.
One of my juniors gave me this letter on the last day of school:
Dear Miss. Curtiss,
This year has really changed me as a person for the better. You know that when we were doing the section in class about the concentration camps and about the war that it was really important to me and really affected my life. You are the only person that has a copy of that song I wrote. You are such an amazing teacher and I'm really grateful that Mrs. Blackburn or whatever her name is never came back because I would have missed out on the chance for you to be my teacher. Although our class is... different, having you as a teacher has really made english enjoyable. I hope you will remember me as your favorite student. The one who instead of making a pamphlet, rapped in front of the entire class. The one who cried every time there was anything about war. The one who over accessively uses semi-conols now that she knows what they are; like this. The really annoying girl who sits in the front who always tries to take your chair as a foot rest, but you don't let me. But I've really appreciative of everything and I know this isn't one whole paragraph because it's like 20 sentences, but you're an amazing English teacher so you can figure it out. I hope to see you again, and I am really going to miss you. Don't forget me!!!
What an impact. Definitely didn't realize this throughout the year.
7. Getting ready to leave for a mission trip. Actually I am chaperoning, but still having to get ready. Leaving Saturday for the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana.
So I think that is all of it, or at least most of it!

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