Sunday, July 11, 2010

City Blast 2010

Another race down in the books. July 4 the YMCA and the local Foursquare Church organized it's second annual City Blast.

In the morning City Blast is kicked off with the 10k run, and then eventually the 5k run is mixed in with the 10k. After the runs there is an award ceremony for the top in each category (I did not receive such award). Around 11 there is church service led by Foursquare. Throughout the rest of the day there is a 3 on 3 basketball tournament while various other kid activities. Then when the sun starts to set, there is a concert that eventually turns into a fireworks show.

It was a gorgeous run. As I woke up in the morning to check the weather it was cloudy; it looked as if it was going to rain. I decided to wear a long shirt because of that (bad idea). Just for the duration of the race it was clear and sunny.

The run started at the fairgrounds and made a 3.1 mile loop that took you through the fairgrounds. There was only one big hill which definitely hit me hard. Why? Well, I had been sick the last week of school that took me into the mission trip. Therefore, I honestly had not run more than 3 miles in about 3 weeks. So that hill was a killer since I had to run it twice. Although it wasn't my best race by far, it was still a wonderful way to start off the 4th of July.

On the left is Season, me, and Chris. Chris is actually a mom of one of my close friends that I have known since seventh grade. Megan is on the east coast in North Carolina, but now her mom and I run. That was pre-race.

Post-race. All of us again happy that we made it. It was Season's first 10k, and first time she had ever run 6.2 miles without taking a break-- very exciting!!

And by the way, the credit for the pictures go to Chris' boyfriend because mom and dad were late. As I was running the last 400 or so I slowed down to look for the parents; however, they were not present. Yes folks, the parents were late. They did arrive eventually, but no pictures. Chris is sending the pictures of me actually running, but those will not be posted.

Next up? I am headed to Portland/Vancouver on Tuesday for a week filled of wedding for Meggan!

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